About Rebecca...

I grew up in a Christian home rich in knowledge of Scripture.  The memory of my mom often studying her Bible at the kitchen table is vivid.  This planted a seed within me.  However, for a time after high school I decided to go my own way.  When I was ready I felt the gentle drawing of the Holy Spirit again on my heart, and I knew to Whom I needed to return.  I have always felt a calling on my life for something meaningful, and my hope and prayer is this virtual ministry is part of the purpose God created me for.

I am also living out my purpose in my marriage to my wonderful husband, Chris.  Together, our commitment to each other and to the Lord has proven victorious over the brokenness of this world.  We have four beautiful children of whom you will hear much about.  They, along with my husband, teach me something about God every day!  Our oldest two are currently schooling at home.  It has been a blessing.  It's not easy, but the impact is eternal. 

One of my greatest passions and delights is leading small groups in the Women's Ministry at our home church.  I have been a part of the Bible studies there since my first baby was born.  God has always met me just where I am with each study, drawing me closer and closer to Himself.  My mom always said the teacher gets more out of the lesson than the student.  So, shortly after joining the studies I began leading small groups.  I can not tell you the joy I experience watching God transform the hearts of others.  Truly the joy of the Lord!

Along the same lines, I am active in 12 Step recovery and ministry, both at our church and elsewhere.  It is one of the greatest blessings of my life.  It has also been the single greatest catalyst of spiritual growth I have experienced.  Through recovery I have not only learned how to trust God more completely, but even to be thankful for the very circumstances that drew me there years ago.  I consider it a privilege to offer my experience, strength and hope to others, and serve in this worthy ministry.  If you ever question if God changes lives, join a ministry of redemption!

I love food!  I have a small baking business that offers an outlet and excuse to express my sweet side.  I enjoy experiment with customized flavors of treats and decorating in creative ways.  My husband is the official taste-tester, and my children junior associates.  I am starting to wonder if it is the only reason they keep me around!

I obviously don't have much free time, but I'm great at multi-tasking.  I use this tool to enjoy reading inspirational and classic literature.  It is a tough call between books and food as a favorite.  I love nature, cooking, exercising, swimming and personalizing my home.  I enjoy all kinds of music, but especially contemporary Christian music.

Our God is an amazing God.  I am bound to Him through His redeeming grace that bought me with a price, Jesus Christ, and my life is no longer my own.  I offer this blog as a witness to this truth.  My prayer is you will be blessed as I have been!

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